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PE polyethylene winding structural wall pipe


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Tel:13833062093 15030255858


Address: Zangang Industrial Park, Xiongxian, Baoding City, Hebei Province


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PE polyethylene winding structural wall pipe

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Product description

Carat tube (full name of high density polyethylene structure wall hot coil pipe) is a kind of inner surface is smooth, the outer wall of helicoid strengthening rib, special-shaped structure wall tubes made of spiral winding technology, flexible pipe.


For you Product features


Superior performance

Carat tube mining height are broken density polyethylene as raw material, made in melt state through the winding molding process, and in hot before stripping, cooling by rolling air-cooled, pipe cooling, uniform wall thickness.


Wide application


This product is suitable for the protection of power, cable and communication light and cable. Excellent ring stiffness, with the optimized waveform structure, with special modification materials, the ring stiffness performance pipe toughness is good, can be bent in a certain range.


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Honors and qualifications


The experimental test


1. The performance of the ring stiffness is excellent

            It can be flexibly bent in a certain range, with good heat resistance and good thermal conductivity.

2. The heat compression force is high

               The inner wall of the tube is smooth and smooth, and the contact surface of the cable is small, which is beneficial to the cable. The weight of pipe is light, which can improve the construction progress.

3. Good sealing:

               It can be connected by sealing ring and hot melt welding.





Carat tube connected by socket type, on both ends of the pipe during the production is processing into socket and the socket, and embedded electric fuse on the socket end socket connection, it can complete the welding power supply is connected to, can make the pipeline system to achieve zero leakage.

Confidence comes from quality and quality.

The company has built three manufacturing bases of steel belt reinforced polyethylene spiral corrugated pipe and MPP, PE pipe production area, hot dip plastic steel pipe and composite pipe production area and glass pipe production area. In terms of manufacturing concept, the company has always been adhering to the "quality first, satisfy the demand, attention to detail, keeping improving" the quality idea, the establishment of a strict quality assurance system in the process of production, the company has a leading domestic pipeline testing center, passed the ISO9001:2008, ISO14001:2004.


Do the company in line with, do strong, do big goal of pipeline industry, adhere to the tenet of "quality first, customer supreme", the high-quality goods production to meet customer needs is our basic work, bring tangible benefits for customers is our pursuit of the ultimate goal.

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 PE polyethylene winding structural wall pipe
PE polyethylene winding structural wall pipe



Tel:13833062093 / 15030255858


Address: Zangang Industrial Park, Xiongxian, Baoding City, Hebei Province


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Copyright: Hebei Kaichuang Composite Pipeline Products Co., LTD     冀ICP备14015960号-1        300.cn

Online customer service
Customer service hotline
400-807-1116 400-807-1116
Service time:
8:00 - 24:00
Customer service group:

Hebei pioneer composite pipeline products Co., LTD

Address: Zangang Industrial Park, Xiongxian, Baoding City, Hebei Province


Business License

Copyright: Hebei Kaichuang Composite Pipeline Products Co., LTD    冀ICP备14015960号-1     300.cn

